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Projects of SDC




Brief summary of the most important activities and projects implemented since 2003…


Name of the project

Aim of the project

Funding of the project




Building of capacities of organisations of persons with disabilities in 10 candidated countries

Creation of  The Slovak Disability Council as a non-profit association, which works as a nongovermental association in the field of disability in Slovakia and as a national representative in questions of persons with disabilities

European Disability Forum,  EU, PHARE




Community action programme to combat discrimination

Training program for activists and adocates of rights of persons with disabilities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Mainstreaming disability in regional and local policies

Increase of level of incorporation of disability problems to main currents of regional and local policy by publication.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Regional policy respecting needs of persons with disabilities (Nothing about us – without us)




Meeting of deputies of member organisations of The Slovak Disability Council with foreign participation

Two parts:

1. about lobbying

2. finish conference of project

„Building of capacities of organisations of persons with disabilities in 10 candidated countries“





Further education and information system in the field of social inclusion, advocacy of rights of persons with disability and reform of social system


Creation of System for organisations of persons with disabilities to provide bi-directional flow of information among continental, national and regional level mainly by internet and seminars. Monitoring was a part of it.

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


To be more informed means be less discriminated

Giving information by internet

Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic

Public – educational seminar with international participation

Involvement of organisations of persons with disabilities to international participation processes

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Information – further educational meetings focussed on mainstreaming in the field of disability

Creation of partnerships in regions with the aim to determine needs of persons with disabilities, their participation in planing of regional progress

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Improving cooperation of national organisations of persons with disabilities abroad


Developing and supporting of persons working in the member organisations of The Slovak Disability Council as project managers. A part of it was a language course focused on vocabulary used in creation of projects.

British Embassy in Bratislava

Equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and social partnerships for monitoring and elimination of discrimination barriers on the labour market


Elimination and prevention of people with disabilities long-time unemployment. Planned projects activities were focused on the areas of monitoring, identification and analysation of elements of discrimination, preparation of proposals for their elimination, propagation of relevant actual information and examples of good practices.





More information – more possibilities

Giving information by representatives of organisations

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Creation of social partnerships in regions

Improving of cooperation with representatives of higher territorial units, municipality and governmental control.

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and social partnerships for monitoring and elimination of discrimination barriers on the labour market

(continuing from 2005)


Elimination and prevention of peope with disabilities‘ long-time unemployment. Planned projects activities were focused on the areas of monitoring, identification and analysation of elements of discrimination, preparation of proposals for their elimination, propagation of relevant actual information and examples of good practices.


Community action program to combat discrimination

Training program for activists and advocates of rights of persons with disabilities


National training seminary about rights of persons with disabilities



„Agenda 22“ – Mainstreaming disability in regional and local policies



Inclusion of people with disabilities to society


Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Member contribution to European Disability Forum


Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic





Being informed as a precondition for equal opportunities


Increasing level of self-defending of persons with disabilities and social consultancy in the field of disability

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Trainings for qualified participation in mainstreaming of disability


Educational activities were focused on legislation in the field of disability and on development of skills of people wokr in organisations of persons with disabilities

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


Implementation of non-discrimination principle, equality opportunities and participation in policy making and drafting of measures on regional level

Monitoring of situation in the field of policy making on regional level

Slovak Government

Right of people with disabilities for non-discrimination

Education of representatives of organisations in the field of combat discrimination and discrimination monitoring

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic


1 milion4disability

Slovak Disability Council with help of organisations of people with disalibities, national institutions, volunteers and individuals got 14 565 signatures during the “1million4disability” campaign calling for non-discrimination legislation in favour of persons with disabilities.

European disability forum

By awareness against discrimination of persons with disabilites – better quality of life of persons with disabilities

Slovak Government

Training of people with disabilities for work at IBM




Info-campaign focused on U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities



Member contribution to European Disability Forum  (EDF) and external relations of Slovak Disability Council


Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic

“People need people” – concert